Connections: The Art of Finding Meaningful Links


The whole surrounding reality is a network of relationships. Looking at how neurons in the human brain function or even the interactions of ecosystems in the environment, everything is connected. This concept of connection is not confined to the physical world and plays an important role in defining the concept of information, an idea, and even our self-identity.

The Power of Pattern Recognition:

People have an instinct of searching for patterns. Just look at our brains, the example of how they can find correlations between unrelated objects. This psychical ability developed through millions of years of evolution is invaluable. Thus, the real sense or significance of pattern identification can be understood as the ability to make predictions, solve problems, or make decisions.

This is seen in games such as Connections, for example, you are provided with a collection of words in a grid and you are supposed to deduce the common relation the words have. Is it a history period, a scientific discovery, or color? Sometimes these connections may not be very obvious, but the pleasure we get in finding these connections is proof of human tendency to look for patterns.

Building Bridges with Shared Experiences:

Communication does not end at the level of rationality. The fact that tragedy unites people and creates strong emotional connections that are not a result of one’s upbringing or personal views is quite significant. Think of cohesiveness of soldiers during a war or persons who have been friends for many years and do not need to explain certain things to each other. These connections give people the feeling of belonging to the community and help develop comprehension beginning with the phrase of ‘I understand as you do’.

Group identification is a useful approach in many areas, ranging between advertisement and revolutions. If the advertisement focuses on appealing to the sentiments of both parties or something within the cultural domain, then it is tuned to be more appealing to the consumer. The mobilization process in many social movements entails the construction of the community that comprises the participants.

The Network Effect: Thus, established relationships can increase exponential making an implication that all the two hold are significant.

He who stands on tiptoe doesn’t see the forest but the tree in front of him, and individual relationship may be the way to creating various networks. Think of a neuron firing in your brain; it has a part, a function; but it is not the network of neurons that let you think, feel, act. In the same way, the prominence of social networks increases the strength of each connection.

Take Wikipedia for instance. It is precisely an open platform aimed at the accumulation of user knowledge and acquaintances, which forms a database. Social media also work in this manner, where people not only pass on what they experience or think to others but is a continuously spreading wave of information among people.

The Dark Side of Connections:The Dark Side of Connections:

Connections can, without a doubt, be useful, but they also produce adverse effects. This includes the phenomena such as confirmation bias, where a person tends to accept as true only the information that identifies his point of view and reject any other information that does not support it. Social media algorithms can contribute to this by limiting folks’s entry to varied opinions, presenting them solely with stances with which they may agree.

Besides, it is possible to use connections to spread some information that is not true or important propaganda. Lies go viral quicker than the truth on social media, not because it is witty or smart, but because it seeks to exploit people’s feelings, and pre-existing prejudices.

Cultivating Meaningful Connections in a Digital Age:

This has dramatically brought a shift in how individuals can socialize through the introduction of the digital age. With technology, people are able to communicate in ways which cannot be matched but there is always the facet of loneliness and what scholars deemed as para-social interaction.

Here are some tips for cultivating meaningful connections in a digital world:

Seek out face-to-face interaction: Take time to visit friends and or relatives frequently. Do not multi-task when people are talking to you; switch off your phone and listen to people.
Focus on quality over quantity: Culturally it is better to have few but good friends than have many people you barely know or even do not know at all.
Engage in activities that foster shared experiences: Go to a club, volunteer to work for organizations which you feel deserve a chance, or attend a class you both will like.
Be mindful of online interactions: Do not take information online at face value you have to learn how to critique the information and be able to critique yourself.


First, what are some advantages that can be associated with the use of one’s ability to find relationships in daily tasks?

The ability to see relationships can enhance problem solving, decision making and broaden one’s perception of the surrounding reality. You can see what is perhaps not immediately obvious, connecting unrelated concepts in order to find commonalities and foresee the consequences and results.

In what ways can connections be applied to improve the relations between different people?

The more communal references one has, the stronger the bond that is created between him and others. Eg. Sharing a similar interest in jogging, a movie, a particular event that may have happened in ones life, creates togetherness and understanding. This can lead to a deeper and more personal connection and hence something more meaningful.

What are some possible uses of connections that may be deemed undesirable, especially in the contemporary world?

Perception is skewed by such paradoxes as the confirmation bias, where one tends to rely on networks that support already held perceptions. Social media algorithms prevent the users from getting to see the other side of the story or a different perspective all together. In the same manner, connections can be exploited to introduce fake news that appeals to emotive sentiments specifically.

A modern problem: Communication with people in period of information technologies dozes.
That’s why relying solely on available technology is highly effective when it comes to communication despite the calls to focus on face-to-face communication. Instead of measured by the number of friends one has online, aim for quality, and look for events and things that are done together. Furthermore, it should be noted the evaluation of information found online and questioning of personal prejudices in order to make real connections.


Relationships are the fine cables that fasten the garment of life. Realizing the presence of connections within the framework of this type of thinking, people can establish quite meaningful relationships and work in unison towards making the world a better place by eliminating negative connections. Therefore whenever you engage in a game, such as Connections, do not just focus on the end product, which in this case is the discovery of the relationships between the various people; and the identities of the people involved most of the time, but rather it portrays the relationships that exist between people.

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